Sunday, October 12, 2008


If you are a McCain supporter the state of the polls may scare you or even affect your enthusiasm so much that you may have accepted that an Obama victory is imminent. That’s exactly what the far left media and the Obama campaign wants you to feel so that you might not even bother to go out and vote ensuring them a victory.

Don’t let that get to you as history proves otherwise the Gallup poll taken at the same time in 2000 had Bush leading Gore by 51-40 and although Bush ultimately won the election it was Gore who carried the popular vote.

At the same time in 2004 Bush led Kerry 52-44 by the end of October the race was tied.

Of course in both those polls – 2000 and 2004 – Bush who was leading at this point went on to win the elections but in both cases they had tightened up and as those races prove the races will tighten up by election day and McCain is better positioned to win in a tied race then Obama.

So don’t give up stay energised and encourage everyone you know to go out and vote on Election Day no matter what the polls tell you.

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This election boils down to whether it’s an Obama vs. McCain election (McCain wins) or an Obama vs. Bush election (Obama wins).
Voters are hungry for change; they are fed up with how Washington does business and are fed up with a president who they - fairly or not – blame for everything that went wrong in the last couple of years.

The democrats have yet to forgive Bush for the 2000 election and nothing he did or didn’t do would help them forgive him. At the same time many Americans including Democrats have questions about Obama and are not sure what to make out of him. Those same people could invision a McCain presidency as long as they are convinced that McCain is not Bush. Voters are not looking at Obama as their first choice but as an acceptable alternative.

After the Republican convention - thanks to Hurricane Gustov – Bush was pretty much out of sight and McCain succeeded in distancing himself from the president, McCain came out surging ahead in all the polls. Once the economic crises became centre focus and Bush appeared back at the forefront those numbers seemed to turn around. The argument goes like this: The economy is in crises, Bush is the president so its his fault (I’ll get to that in a further post). Bush is a Republican, McCain is a Republican, hence its McCain’s fault.

In A Rasmussen reports poll published on Thursday October 9th 45% to 28% Voters say that Barack Obama beat John McCain in Tuesday night’s presidential debate, but they also think McCain is better prepared to be president than Obama by an 11-point margin. What this says is voters would really like to vote for McCain but it seems that the president Bush is standing in their way.

I would like to see a poll put out that asks the following question: “If John McCain would be the Democratic candidate and Barak Obama the Republican candidate whom would you vote for?” my gut instincts tells me that it would be a McCain landslide in 50 states.

For McCain to win he needs to ignore Obama and attack Bush!

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There is so much talk of Obama’s questionable connections with Ayers, Khalidis, Pflegers, Wrights, ACORNs, etc. I don’t know what the truth it and what to believe. One thing is sure that there are questions and if elected this would be the first time in history the President of the United States has been accused of being associated with terrorists.

The Obama campaign has been trying to paint McCain as Bush’s third term. Whether you agree with McCain’s policies or not one thing is sure; McCain is anything but Bush’s third term. Remember 2000, Immigration reform, campaign finance, prisoner abuse to name just a few. But for the sake of the argument, let’s say McCain may be continuing some of Bush’s policies. Here is your choice.

You have a candidate who we don’t really know much about who may or may not be linked and associated with terrorists versus a candidate whose life and record is an open book who may or may not continue with some of Bush’s policies.

What would you rather risk?

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According to the records released by the University of Illinois, After Walter Annenberg’s foundation offered several hundred million dollars to American public schools in the mid-’90s, William Ayers applied for $50 million for Chicago. The purpose of his application was to secure funds to “raise political consciousness” in Chicago’s public schools. After he won the grant, Ayers’s group chose Barack Obama to distribute the money. Between 1995 and 1999, Obama distributed the $50 million and raised another $60 million from other civic groups to augment it. In doing so, he was following Ayers’s admonition to grant the funds to “external” organizations, like American Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) to pair with schools and conduct programs to radicalize the students and politicize them. Reading, math and science achievement tests counted for little in the CAC grants, but the school’s success in preaching a radical political agenda determined how much money they got.

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I own a small business. Things are not going very good lately, in fact things are very bad, sales are down, the competition is beating me to the ground and I can barely afford to pay my employee’s. A couple of years back some hooligans burnt down one of the building structures, while construction is underway the area we are in is not the best climate for the company to begin with and I fear further damage to other parts of the building.

The CEO of the company, while doing is best to sort things out and get things back on track has finally had it and decided to hand in his resignation. To be honest I am rather pleased as I was getting a little more then frustrated with him and would of stayed on I would of probably ended up firing him myself.

Looking for someone to take his place after months of intense searching I am now down to two finalists.

The first one is a bright young man with a great personality he’s energetic, articulate and has many ideas and visions of how to take my company forward. He promises me the world if I hire him and has committed to take the company out of the red by the time the contract (which is 4 years) expires.
His resume? Well not much he worked at another firm for 2 years (getting that job by assuring all other applicants were disqualified for technical reasons). After that he has – his current - for a further 2 years not doing much there either and for the past two years has been seeking the position at my firm. He has never really worked in the industry and doesn’t really have the experience to carry the weight of my problems. But he charisma.

The other guy is a veteran who has worked in the industry of my business for over 20 years. He understands the challenges and has dealt with many of the kind in his previous position. Sometimes succeeding, sometimes not. All in all his successes have out numbered his failures. He realizes that the problem I am dealing with has to do mostly by the bickering and miss-trust of the competitors and believes that by bringing all of us together we can all succeed in our own way without having to bring down each other (He has done so successfully before). As a law enforcement officer prior to his previous employment he has a vision of how to deal with the hooligans in the area.
The downside? He’s an older guy, not so charismatic and not as well spoken as the first applicant. Plus he is kind of friendly to my current outgoing CEO and belongs to the same heritage club as he.

Which do I hire?

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WOW! Has it really been two years since I entered this world of personal opinion? Yet, besides my little introduction I have not been able to come up with anything original or exciting that would make me sound so adoring.

So forgive me for my absence, as for now – at least for the short term – I am back. Why you ask? Well it’s the time in the political cycle that it seems everyone has opinions. You have Journalists, analysts, columnists, bloggers, talking points and what not. Everyone throwing their thoughts in the ring hoping that it will be their take that will sway an election one way or another.

While everyone analyses and digs deep, one thing they haven’t realized is most people don’t think very deep. While the media microscopes each and every word or story, the people they are trying to sell everything to just take things at face value and see things as they really are.

You watch the news, read the papers and every commentator will tell you what they think a candidate has to do or say in order to get ahead. One will tell you in order for candidate X to win tonight’s debate he must say this while another expert will tell you advice of the contrary. Expectations are risen and lowered so that that same commentator can declare his favorite the winner. Should candidates actually try to follow this advice they’ll end up debating themselves for an entire campaign cycle (thou it seems many of them do).

This brings me to politicians and campaigns.
The problem with political campaigns and politicians is that you have a team of “smart” people who try to go into people’s heads and figure out what would be the best way to portray a particular message. How would the media react and how will it have the most powerful effect. They’ll arrange long meetings and spend hours with focus groups figuring out the best way to tell us that its going to rain tonight worried at what might happen if the sun might forget to go down today and there wont even be a “tonight” and will end up having a tomorrow that’s still today. Then how do you explain that?

I have been following the presidential election since the start of the primaries. Many times while watching debates, rallies or media interviews with candidates or their surrogates have I been shouting at the TV with single lines I thought the person should say that would hit a home run.

I am not a journalist nor am I a professional writer. In fact I have never studied journalism and have never written anything before. I don’t expect my writings on this blog to be read by many, and even if it is I don’t think anyone would listen to me. But if there are any independents out there or people who want to hear what simple people out there think. I herby give you my straight talk.

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Sunday, September 24, 2006


After years of debating…. Should I, should I not? Is it a good thing, is it not? Will it serve a purpose, will it not? Finally I couldn’t resist the temptation any longer and tonight I shake my hands and welcome myself to this new world. The blogger world.

What is the purpose of my blog? At the moment I really have no idea. I have come across so many blogs who specialize in turning its readers away. At the same time I have seen those who just make you want to come back again so much that on some occasions I’ll check them out several times a day just to see if there is anything new out there. I really need to get a life.

Come to think of it, I DO have a life, so I connot commit myself to be up here everyday posting. But my commitment is that when I do, I’ll keep it exciting, entertaining and hopefully humorous and I hope you will always enjoy my Adoring Sound.